Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Week 3


Brainstorming !!!, brainstorming is a process of thinking and trying to come up with new ideas. Also to find other ways of solving a problem. Brainstorming is sometimes coming up with ideas which is not realistic or relevant to the situation but it's is a way of getting your creative juices flowing. Sometimes you can come out with some weird and strange ideas which some works and some doesn't.  It's amazing what you can come out with when you brainstorm, but it can give you some serious  headaches. It also can make someone angry and frustrated but hey! it's just part of the process.

Sometimes it's better to brainstorm with other people or in a group, cause different people think differently all the time. They have different perspective to live and they also do things differently. You may have some disagreement and maybe some arguments but it doesn't mean you should stop. A great idea may come from 1 thinker but a grand idea comes from a bunch of thinkers. which means onto to a bigger and greater things and may bring in something that is way out of proportion or will even make your mind blown away.

To me brainstorming is crucial ingredient to make an idea into something real and without it we cannot reach our goal.

Well that's all for me
signing of.
from Shariff.


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