Synesthesia is a gift of translating music or image into art. Can be a sculpture, painting, poetry or anything you can think of. Everyone of us has synesthesia to some extent. It is one way to boost your creativity and if you have synesthesia you can even create painting that is unique and interesting. Some would think it is a curse but to me it's a gift because you can see the world differently and if you have the skills, you can bring it into reality.
During my creative thinking class. My lecturer gave us an exercise to see if we can translate it into art. First he gave us to watch a music video. The music, to me it's kind of erotic so i drew a red district type of town. Hey it's just what i see. Second he gave us another video but this time it's a video of Singapore at marina bay. So i drew an oasis because the video shows me that it is full of wealth and prosperity. Sometime i would even close my eyes and just hear the sound and just scribble nonsense onto my sketch book. Some of the sketches turn out to be interesting and some are completed outrages.Well that's all I have about synesthesia..bye!!!!
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